Get Started

Getting started as a clinical research site can be scary. But when you join the Elligo Research Network, you’re getting a partner that will be with you every step of the way to make sure your patients have access to cutting-edge research and novel therapeutics in their community.

Join our network today to provide your patients research as a care option, increase your revenue, and advance the development of new medicines and therapies.

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One site in Texas, interested in aggressively scaling their research, recently increased their pipeline by 13 studies after joining the Elligo Research Network, generating close to $2 million in revenue.

Join the Elligo Research Network for Access to Exclusive Oncology and Hematology Trials and a Complete Suite of Research Partner Solutions

Running clinical trials is a tremendous undertaking made simple with the Elligo Research Network.

As an Elligo Research Network site, you enjoy a pipeline of exclusive studies that expands your community visibility, increases your revenue, and brings extensive research as care to your patients.

You also benefit from comprehensive staff training to achieve Research Ready status as well as our customized and modular infrastructure with tailored support options that mitigate the administrative burden, overhead, and risk associated with starting research.

Looking for even more support? We offer an end-to-end research support program, exclusive to our research partners, which includes training, infrastructure support, technology, a study pipeline, and placement opportunities so you can quickly and easily become Research Ready.