The complexity of pulmonary and respiratory clinical trials often makes patient enrollment and retention even more challenging. With the risk of termination heightened by an array of shifting patient symptoms and common comorbidities and medications that conflict with standard inclusion/exclusion criteria — not to mention continuity of care concerns — solutions have to be built in at the foundation of your trial.   

Enrolling and retaining patients is easier with optimized trials, which proactively address new solutions and augment existing ones using a patient-centric approach. Read our article for 3 reasons optimized trials are the right choice for meeting the challenges of pulmonary and respiratory research head-on.  

Download the article now to learn:   

  • How research complexity adds to patient enrollment and retention difficulties  
  • What optimized trials are and their benefits   
  • 3 ways optimized trials solve enrollment and retention issues in pulmonary and respiratory research 

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