Compliance is essential for success at a research site. In fact, noncompliance can result in fines of up to $3 million—3x the amount of the initial violation plus an additional penalty of up to $21,916 per violation.1,2 Sites also spend an average of $118 per claim to dispute denied coverage.3

Coverage analysis (CA) is the first step an institution needs to take to incorporate their processes to be compliant and avoid these practice-killing fines. But what is CA? How do you do it?

Join Elligo Health Research® for an exclusive webinar, “Clinical Research Coverage Analysis: What It Is and Why You Need It.” This live discussion will detail everything you need to know about this crucial research process, from the features a trial must have to be covered by Medicare, to a step-by-step guide for building CA.

Featuring CA, Contracts, and Budget Experts:

Tahreem Ahmed, Senior Research Finance Specialist
Paula Glanville, Research Finance Specialist

Attend the webinar to learn:

  • The basics of coverage analysis (CA)
  • Why CA is essential
  • How to build a CA
  • What a CA service can do for your practice and your patients


  1. Clinical Trial Billing Errors Generate Multi-Million Dollar Fines. The Association of Clinical Research Professionals. Published 2016 March 4.
  2. Samet, J. Clinical Research Billing Compliance. BMC/BU Medical Campus. Published 2017 Dec. 13.
  3. Sanborn, B. Change Healthcare analysis shows $262 billion in medical claims initially denied, meaning billions in administrative costs. Healthcare Finance. Published 2017 June 27.


Clinical Research Coverage Analysis: What It Is and Why You Need It


April 20, 2023


12-1 p.m. CDT

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